idmdeepambient radio verdure_station
music all day — keeps the bad vibes away 🙌
Miami, Moscow(2), Krasnoyarsk, Kharkiv, Istanbul, Kriens(2), Komisarivka, Tver, Aire, Falkenstein, London(2), Nizhny Tagil, Bern, Sofia, Izhevsk, Novosibirsk, Nanjing, Saint Petersburg.

Listener, 11 msgs since, Jan 18 '14.

110 total likes, here the last:
2000 and one - vol. 25 ambient classics 1993 - 1999
fingers in the noise - silent season tribute
brother maynard - space rescue service
konchord - ambient live set
visitors from the future - hundreds of years
spacetime continuum - sea biscuit
ujjaya - the landing zone (live)
kettel - volleyed iron