idmdeepambient radio verdure_station
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winter solstice 🌟
Miami, Moscow(8), Kharkiv, Krasnoyarsk, Sofia(2), Tholey, Beloljin, Barnaul, Chatham, Berlin, Falkenstein, Nanjing, Charlotte, Rostov-on-Don.

various − the ambient cookbook II part 4
cd mixed (2002), 77 mins, added Aug 9

01 psychonavigation - life eternal
02 hearts of space - drawn
03 sultan - gel gor beni ask n'eyledi
04 outland - dspill
05 psychonavigation - trautoniolo
06 pete namlook & bobby bird - secret location
07 2350 broadway - rich dreams
08 pete namlook - vocal atoms
09 virtual vices - last dance on luna
10 silence - while angels sleep
11 silence - master of the sky
12 pete namlook - winter
13 sultan - yenilik #8