pat le mandragore − chill bill 3
dj mix (2018), 134 mins, added Oct 15 '18

01 dreamstalker - 432hz meditation
02 ott - a gentle place by birth is you
03 desert dwellers - in the beginning
04 desert dwellers - subtle breath
05 bluetech & shamans dream - letting go
06 sinepearl - ceremonial tea
07 desert dwellers - lotus heart
08 liquid bloom & rara avis - emerging heart (vajra mix)
09 the heart is awake - re
10 desert dwellers - lotus garden
11 desert dwellers - you can see forever (aes dana rmx)
12 in the branches & bluetech - behind the sky
13 merkaba - sky
14 eat static - where ghosts lay feat. elaine frost
15 ion driver - calqa suburban requiem
16 ajja - stage left
17 kaya project - deep kaya (the zen balloon ambient edit)
18 xspance - sunlight song
19 krusseldorf - choclop
20 globular - be patient towards what is unsolved in your heart
21 another fine day - dusty feet
22 black sabbath remake - planet caravan
23 pure fruit orchestra - indian summer
24 stellar ink pony - smolket i bägaren rann tämligen ner