idmdeepambient radio verdure_station
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winter solstice 🌟
Miami, Moscow(8), Kharkiv, Krasnoyarsk, Sofia(2), Tholey, Beloljin, Berlin, Falkenstein, Turin, K'alak'i T'bilisi, Chernogolovka, Saint-Michel-sur-Orge, Charlotte, Nanjing, New York, Graz.

loose link and off land − ambient sessions 08
dj mix (2015), 62 mins, added Oct 13 '17


01 eyesix - the left ventricle
02 the a.m experiment - full moon cigarette (ambient mix)
03 aphex twin - lush ambulance 2
04 bjorn rohde - tour de pyrénées
05 loose link and off land - hyperbird
06 deep forest - sweet lulluby (ambient mix)
07 gaussian curve - clouds
08 golden living room and t e l e p a t h - テレパシー能力者 - ヒーリング
09 rylo3 - misty mountains
10 chris kokolios - piano idea
11 nest - amroth
12 off land - (auk)
13 ishq - blue haze
14 ishq - essene
15 woob - delphine drift
16 orcas - tell
17 doseone - (untitled)
18 journeyman - valves
19 arjen schat - trancience