idmdeepambient radio verdure_station
music all day — keeps the bad vibes away 🙌
Miami, Moscow(2), Krasnoyarsk, Kharkiv, Dublin, Komisarivka, Waalre, Bowmanville, Salzweg, Reading, Osnabrück, Falkenstein, Donetsk.

music for programming − part 32 by chris seddon
podcast (2015), 68 mins, added May 27 '17

01 pulse emitter - purple
02 atom tm - tiefebene
03 tu m' - monochrome #03
04 154 - abrighterday
05 susumu yokota - azukiiro no kaori
06 cluster - imtrerion
07 john beltran - snowdrifts
08 andrew liles - the dream of the one legged woman
09 global communication - 4:02
10 steve hauschildt - overnight venusian
11 susumu yokota - daremoshirani chiisankuni
12 cut hands - ++++
13 elph vs. coil - manukind
14 autechre - yulqueen
15 in aeternam vale - edit
16 monolake - terminal