idmdeepambient radio verdure_station
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winter solstice 🌟
Miami, Moscow(7), Kharkiv, Krasnoyarsk, Sofia(2), Tholey, Beloljin, Barnaul, Berlin, Falkenstein, Turin, K'alak'i T'bilisi, Saint-Michel-sur-Orge, Nanjing, Charlotte, Orenburg, Chernogolovka.

amg − ambient mixtape vol. 18
dj mix (2016), 31 mins, added Aug 13 '16

00:00 the aurora principle - an early glow
03:04 celadon city - an inch away from the window
04:55 joachim heinrich - water
07:45 reversed fireworks - juno's arrival
10:50 factory - interstellar
13:45 cerah - sepia memories
16:50 of the quiet stars - a respite within the forest
21:35 murkok - down the rabbit hole
28:46 blake ewing - muir