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winter solstice 🌟
Miami, Moscow(7), Kharkiv, Krasnoyarsk, Sofia(2), Tholey, Beloljin, Berlin, Falkenstein, Turin, Chernogolovka, Saint-Michel-sur-Orge, Charlotte, Nanjing, Graz, Izhevsk, Köln.

mike g − this is rising high volume 2 a chillout mix
dj mix (2013), 79 mins, added Aug 1 '16

01 paul hazel - gene pool
02 new london school of electronics - mandella with the golden hair
03 syzygy - the archetype
04 the irresistible force - manifesto
05 the irresistible force - waveform (edit)
06 bedouin ascent - polarity healing
07 bedouin ascent - treading the earth (mike g’s walking on air remix)
08 the irresistible force - flying high (edit)
09 influx - dreamscape (ambient mix/extended)
10 syzygy - i am the sky
11 neutron 9000 - she trails flowers
12 the irresistible force - symphony in e