idmdeepambient radio verdure_station
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winter solstice 🌟
Miami, Moscow(7), Kharkiv, Krasnoyarsk, Sofia(2), Tholey, Beloljin, Barnaul, Berlin, Falkenstein, Turin, K'alak'i T'bilisi, Saint-Michel-sur-Orge, Nanjing, Charlotte, Orenburg.

mizoo − station ambient
dj mix (2016), 79 mins, added Mar 1 '16

01 quiet callilng IV - the call V
02 tomas weiss & nuur - traces
03 shrine - the grand design
04 lubomyr melnyk - a warmer place
05 simon lomax - warmed by the emerging light
06 musicformessier - atlas
07 simon lomax - still light
08 asc - ritual of light
09 simon lomax - the calm before
10 lulu rouge - bless you (special edit mizoo)
11 martin nonstatic - cloud shapes
12 simon lomax - with dark intent
13 wanderwelle - leaving port logan
14 clip by film - this must be the place
15 wanderwelle - calls from below